Andy’s shows are a combination of great tunes and humorous wit. A recent audience brought to tears with songs like “Hey Jen, Ode a Lac Magantic” a French song to do with the heart breaking rail tragedy of July 5th, 2013 at Lac Magantic, Quebec and “Elephant In The Room” and then having a good laugh with songs like “A Husbands Lament” or “I love You Once I love you Twice” Something for everyone.
For WAV Files please contact administrative services at admin@andymcgawmusic.com

"Andy is a triple threat and does what he says he will do" Dave Cadogan, Miramichi Leader NB
"Honest as naked" Derev Sivers, CD Baby, Portland Oregon USA
"Four Stars!" Patrick Langston, Ottawa Citizen
"I could listen to Andy songs all day long" Sara Walsh, Democrat and Chronicle Rochester NY USA
"My kind of music" Barry Harvey, Early morning productions, Toronto